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Thu, 23.05.2024

Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi
udział bezpłatny

Migrart.waw.pl – networking meeting

Networking meeting of the online database for migrant creators – migrart.waw.pl. If you haven’t registered on the portal yet, come to the meeting to learn more about what Migrart is, what it does, and how you can join the initiative.

During the meeting at the Warsaw Praga Museum, we will discuss what the Museum is engaged in and the possibilities of getting involved in the Museum’s activities, including creating accompanying events for temporary exhibitions.

We will create an open space for discussion, exchange of ideas and skills, and an exploration of the needs of migrant artists, which could result in future collaboration between the Museum and artists.

During the first hour of the meeting, we will give a guided tour of the permanent exhibition.

Participation in the event is free.

Registration: https://forms.gle/1wJQtNR7u6VkRZvz5

Projekt MIGRART.WAW.PL jest finansowany ze środków m.st. Warszawy i realizowany przez Fundację Strefa WolnoSłowa

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