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Fri, 19.07.2019

Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi

Criminal Tango concert | Praga’s Summer Stage


We invite you to the Criminal Tango concert at Praga’s Summer Stage!


“Seven caps at Brzeska are running

Life begins and the day ends! “


The area around of Różycki Bazaar is an inexhaustible source of anecdotes and stories: about Wicuś The Sailor and his famous bar, about dodgers who cheat at cards, about fights of ruffians, about fulfilled and unfulfilled love of young lovers … or simply about our beloved Warsaw. Sitting near Różycki Bazaar with all the Criminal Tango members, we look for inspiration that will become music played at the unique concert at the Praga Museum of Warsaw.

Criminal Tango is a group of slackers which plays a mix of punk, rock ‘n roll and neo-swing. The band was formed in 2010 and, since that time, they have released a demo  “Warszawscy Bikiniarze”, two albums “W granicach rozsądku” and “Kulturę za kulturę” and an EP, “Sztuka jest Sztuka”. After a two-year break, they returned to the stage with new material.



More about Praga’s Summer Stage and the program for July

Contact for additional information: patrycja.labus-sidor@muzeumwarszawy.p



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